学术讲座【Interaction between photons and phonons in the microcavity】
主讲:中国科学技术大学量子信息重点实验室研究员 董春华博士
报告摘要:In an optomechanical resonator, an optically active mechanical mode can couple to any of the optical resonances via radiation pressure. Here we report the experimental studies on the interaction between photons and phonons in the mechanical resonator. The mechanically induced transparency and the light storage are remarkable phenomenon. In addiction, the wavelength conversion of coherent optical fields is also demonstrated by coupling two optical modes to a mechanical breathing mode. The conversion efficiency obtained features a distinct saturation behavior that arises from optomechanical impedance matching. A measurement of the coherent mechanical excitation involved in the wavelength conversion process also provides additional insight on the underlying optomechanical interactions. Heterodyne detection of the converted optical fields also shows that the wavelength conversion process is coherent and bidirectional.