学术讲座【Holomorphic Campanato-Morrey Spaces】

02.07.2014  14:23


地点:旗山校区 理工楼601

主讲:Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada      Professor Jie Xiao


专家简介:Professor Xiao’s research interests are in the areas of geometric analysis and Partial differential equations. In particular, Dr. Xiao works on the interactions between harmonic analysis, complex variables and operator theory, but also applies techniques coming from function spaces and potential theory to study the conformal-differential geometry and heat equations, Navier-Stokes equations and wave equations. He has published more than 113 research papers, many of them were appeared in excellent mathematics journal, such as Advances in Mathematics, Journal of Functional Analysis, etc.. He has also published four books in those areas. In addition, Professor Xiao serves as an Associate Editor of Canadian Journal of Mathematics; Canadian Mathematical Bulletin and Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Professor Xiao received his PhD degree from Peking University in 1992, he has been Assistant professor, Associate professor at Peking University and Memorial University, he became Full professor at Memorial University in 2007 and University research professor from 2011 to present at Memorial University.

报告摘要:This talk will give a report on the recent study of the so-called Campanato-Morrey spaces on the unit disk.